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Antibacterial Bandages for Cuts, Scrapes, & Burns with Nano Silver

First Aid Bandage, Waterproof Bandage, Antibacterial Bandage, Adhesive Bandage


Anti-Water Antibacterial Bandages Flexible Fabric Bandages for Cuts, Scrapes, & Burns with Nano Silver

First Aid Bandage, Waterproof Bandage, Antibacterial Bandage, Adhesive Bandage


Model Number: AA001

Disinfecting Type: Nano Sliver

Size: 1.8cm*7.2cm

Shelf Life: 3 years

Material: Silicone /PE




It is Anti-Water, Antibacterial, Sterile Flexible Fabric Adhesive Bandages for first aid and wound care protection of minor wounds, cuts, scrapes and burns.


This Adhesive bandages make a great addition to wound care supplies and first aid kits.

With innovative cut-edge Nano Silver Technology, this antibacterial adhesive bandage help protect against dirt and germs that may cause infection, reduce the frequency of dressing changes in patients, relieve pain, reduce inflammation.

This bandage Helps Wounds Heal Quickly with nano silver particle, with killing multiple infectious cells even with wet and water, without pain.